BC817-25-Q NXPの



BC817-25-Q NXPの 1.All products described or contained are designed and intend-ed for use in standard applications, so called commercial/indus-trial grade, requiring an ordinary level of reliability.
2.Some products are available with the special grades "AEC-Q101 compliant”" respectively "AEC-Q101 qualified". These areintended for applications up to ASIL B, but not for ASIL C or D3).
4.If these products are to be used in applications requiring aspecial or specific grade of quality or reliability (refer to item3.), in which failure or malfunction of the product may directlyaffect human life or health,user shall contact in advance DiotecSemiconductor AG's Managing Board (Heitersheim, ドイツ) toconfirm that the intended use of the product is appropriate.
7. All information described and contained herein are intendedonly to enable the buyer to order Diotec's products. The infor-mation must not be used for any other purpose.
8. 本書に記載されている、または含まれている製品が、ドイツ連邦労働党(Bundesamt für Wirtschaft und Ausfuhrkontrolle,ドイツ)によって管理されている戦略製品のカテゴリーに該当する場合、この製品は、有効な法律に従って、ドイツ連邦省から輸出許可を得ることなく輸出してはなりません。

Tips on getting accurate quotes from suppliers. Please include the following in your inquiry:
1. 個人情報またはビジネス情報
3. 照会 for MOQ, Unit Price, etc

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